"Laura Manzini is an exceptional pianist, who also plays the organ and the harpsicord.
I do not think there exists another pianist today who combines such an adaptable musical touch with so much technical brilliance.
She plays with assuredness and aplomb."
(S. Accardo's interview - Compact disc classics)
"Every moment of Laura Manzini’s playing of Chopin’s Prelude Op. 28 was utterly convincing.
The music soared, exulting in the pure power of the work.
This resulted in a moving and grandiose performance."
(Kieler Nachtrichten, Kiel)
"Her capacity to interpret the brightness of the music, its dynamism and its temperament was quite extraordinary.
She is able to unite the different facets of the music in a very mature manner."
(Il Tempo, Roma)
"She is blessed with a good combination of musical ability, intelligence and feeling."
(Giornale del Popolo, Lugano)
"She has a superb technique, without showing off, but which demonstrates a remarkable musical talent highlighting the different shades of the music she is playing."
(Nordsee-Zeitung, Bremhen)
"A truly interpretative intelligence."
(Piano Time)
"Laura Manzini, who has been performing and competing for over 10 years, performed with enthusiasm and class. "
(Il Tempo, Roma)
"The real surprise of the evening was provided by the very young and brilliant pianist Laura Manzini, who accompanied Accardo with an exquisite touch and a rare sensitivity. "
(Il Lavoro, Genova)
"The concert also served to bring to our attention and young and talented pianist at Accardo’s side – Laura Manzini.
puntuale compagna,
She is a sensitive partner, intelligent and refined as well as highly musical. They were thus a truly exemplary duo."
(Il Tempo,Roma)